Uses of Class

Packages that use GSimException
gsim.core This is the gsim API. 
gsim.core.runtime The runtime system for accessing the simulation engine. 

Uses of GSimException in gsim.core

Methods in gsim.core that throw GSimException
 ScenarioConnector Core.connectScenarioManager(java.lang.String ns, java.util.HashMap<?,?> props)
          Connects to running simulation.
 DefinitionEnvironment Core.create(java.lang.String ns, java.util.HashMap<?,?> props)
          Create a gsim Environment.
 DefinitionEnvironment Core.create(java.lang.String ns, setup, java.util.HashMap<?,?> props)
          Create a gsim Environment from an existing model file.
 BatchManager Core.createBatchManager(Executable ex, java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> props)
          Creates a BatchManager.
 ScenarioManager Core.createScenarioManager(DefinitionEnvironment env, java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> props, int steps, int runs)
          Creates a ScenarioManager (used to start and control simulation).
 java.lang.String[] Core.getRunningSimulations(java.util.HashMap<?,?> props)
          Connects to the simulation engine and retrieves the ids of simulations currently being executed.

Uses of GSimException in gsim.core.runtime

Methods in gsim.core.runtime that throw GSimException
 void ScenarioConnector.disconnect()
          Disconnects from the simulation engine.
 long ScenarioConnector.getTime(SimulationID id)
          Gets the current time step of a simulation.
 void ScenarioManager.start()
          Starts a model run by starting all simulation instances.